25 March 2008

Chat Box

I have a chat box here...hopefully it works...not sure what I will do with it, but stop and say hello-let's see if this thing works...lol

I am having a bit of a leftover emotional day so I am not very talkative for the moment. I just need to get my head straight for a moment. I will post more details about the new job soon.

~Karol Lynn

1 comment:

Jen said...

Where did it go? I don't see it.

Hugs to you my darling Sister! We are off to my neice Abbey's 5th birthday party tomorrow. It is a costume party. Will send you some pictures over the weekend!

Love, Hugs and Prayers for my Lorak!

Mists of Avalon

Two days in a row!  WOW!! I have been re-reading Mists of Avalon.   I know, last year I was supposed to be a part of a book discussion on it...