22 June 2012

Generally Speaking III

My computer is a pain in the butt, so is my broadband, and they both make it hard for me to want to be online so I spend a lot of time on my phone, which as a lot of new apps that are not very easy to work with some days!

I have been working six days a week with barely any financial show for it.  It is odd, since I work for a good dry cleaning company!  It is still a little hard to make ends meet.

My writing has taken a bit of a slump these days because I am always tired and always complaining about the heat.  We have had a heat advisory almost every day since the beginning of summer here and I am so tired of sweating and feeling like I need to shower every five or so minutes!!

Work is going well, but as I said, financially it is not doing so well for me.  I would try to get more hours by playing around or going slower but I don't want to be like others, and I actually want a raise, so I will continue to do what I can for the greater good of the company so it reflects well on me.

What it doesn't do for me is help with the bills and the need to get my teeth fixed soon!  I really want to stop feeling self conscious about myself, and getting my teeth fixed should help.

Since last September, I have been a member of the American Legion Auxiliary here in my town.  I did it so that I would have something fun for me to do with my step mother.  I am enjoying it a lot, and have been making some great friends there, even if they are mainly older women, it is still nice to be able to do this and be around my dad and Mama Vickie for a while.

I have become the Chair for the Security part of the Auxiliary and need to find out more about it.  I didn't really want to jump into doing things like this just yet, preferring to get my feet wet first, but oh well.  It seems like a good way to start doing more.  I look forward to it and I will give more information about this and the Auxiliary soon!

Right now, I am working on trying to figure out what I want in life and what I want to do with my writing and I will write more on that soon.  

1 comment:

Arlene said...

Just clicking on the 'next blog' ribbon I came across your blog, and I noticed that you've had no comments on your posts, so here I am saying I think your blog was interesting, and I can't understand why, as you have a following, that no one has commented, maybe we're over-blogged now, as I don't get many on mine, and I often feel like giving up, and wondered if you have as you haven't posted for a while. good luck.

New Life In Organization, Being Catholic, Crafts , Learning, Little House, Reading and Modern Prairie.

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