26 December 2022

A New Year Is Coming

This weekend was great!

I spent time with my family and enjoyed every moment of it.

Usually, I love to spend time in my aunt's back yard, even in winter, because it reminds me of the first books on Wicca that I read...Wicca by Scott Cunningham.

I love remembering that time in my life and the journey that changed from Catholicism to Wicca.

Of course, it was an on and off struggle between both paths for a very long time, but this time it felt different.  I am moving on the path that I am supposed to be on.

As this year comes to a close, I am thankful for the chance that I have had to recuperate from cancer and regain my strength.  I am looking forward to the new year.

I have many plans this year and there is no set deadline for any of them because I don't want to heap a lot of things on me as I settle into my new job. 

I do plan to be more witchy and to stay in a routine.  I am going to start getting organized as well.

My birthday is coming up so I am going to spend that day being thankful for how my life is moving forward and grateful for the love that I have received over the last two years.

Blessed Be!


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