02 October 2022

It's Fall Again!

We are heading into the holiday  season.  First Halloween, then Thanksgiving, Christmas and the beginning of the new year.

I always look forward to this time of year, I love how we can spend time with family and friends while the world outside gets colder and the days get shorter.

Recently, I have been slacking on the things that I needed to do, so I have been working a bit on correcting the situation.  I usually like to get my home clean for the colder months so that I don't have to worry about much...and I do feel better when I have a clean home.

I have also resolved to finish reading Diana Gabaldon's latest book, Go Tell The Bees That I Am Gone.  I am half way finished so it should not be to long before I can blog about it on my Outlander blog.

I now have season 6 of Outlander that I will watch very soon.  I am planning on having an Outlander weekend soon.

I am also planning a Jane Austen re-read on all of her novels and watching the adaptations of the shows as well very soon.  I love Jane and I want to  go back into that world.

I am also preparing myself to go back to work.  I think that I will go back after the New Year.  If I do this, I want to make sure that my home and routines are set in stone and that I am prepared for it.  I will feel better going back when everything is set the way it should be and I have everything down pat before I rejoin the work force.

I am also working through this nostalgia phase of my life.  I don't know why, but I still feel like I want to go back in time where I was not living alone, had shows I loved to watch, read all the time, and worked in my hometown.  

Since the end of July, I have been using my planner almost every day, it has helped me with my routines because I actually write out my routines in the To-Do portion of the planner.  I still need to start getting up at a regular time and going to bed at a regular time, but I am going to start working on that sometime soon.  

I need to set up a rules list for my home and myself so that I can live better and keep the routines and the chores going every day.  I live a bit in chaos right now, and that will need to stop before I go back to work as well.

I am looking forward to the holidays this year.  I love them so much.  It is more about family and being happy than it is about the things we receive from it all.  I can't wait for it all.  

This Christmas, I am planning to decorate.  I didn't last year because I was recovering from the cancer and didn't have much energy to do much.  This year, I am feeling very good, and am ready for celebration.

I am also looking forward to baking and helping everyone with food for the holidays.  I never got to help them with the dinner and dishes before, and I am not sure why I didn't help.  I think some of the reason was because we never thought about it before.  I have some cool pans and things that I can use, and they hardly every get used because I haven't had the chance to use them before.  I want to be a part of that, and do some cool stuff for everyone too.

I am working on my home so that my mother and aunt can come over and watch a movie that we are all looking forward to seeing.  I want the place to sparkle and gleam for them, and it will be an incentive for having them over more often. I like having family over.

I love fall, and I can't wait for Samhain and Yule too.  I am going to start working on them very soon because this is a great time of year for Wiccans, Pagans and Witches.  These celebrations will become part of my traditions too.  I am excited.

My last Petscan showed that I am still cancer free, but lit something up in my colon.  A colonoscopy showed that I had a  huge polyp and the doctor removed it and it was clear of anything.  I need to go back in six months for another colonoscopy in six months just to make sure that everything is alright now.  I go back to my oncologist in December.

I think that I have to keep going to the oncologist for another year of surveillance just to make sure that I am going to stay clear of the cancer.

My hair has been growing back, but it seems to be coming in slowly.  It hasn't even hit my shoulders yet.  At first, it came in white and gray, now it is coming back in as my natural hair color.  I am glad about that.

I have gained a lot of weight. I am now thirty pounds heavier than I was when I started chemotherapy.  I am at one hundred fifty now, and it is bothering me a lot.  I think that it is my metabolism after the hysterectomy, and sitting around most days just watching television and not getting up to do anything.  I only eat one meal a day and a snack later on, so I am a bit uptight about this.  

This season will be awesome, and I cannot wait to see what is in store for the last three months of this year!


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