15 August 2020

Circle Sanctuary And Short Term Goals

 As soon as I get settled once again, I want to become a member of and visit Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve in southwestern Wisconsin once it is safe again to go out into the world and explore its wonders.

Circle Sanctuary is a nature preserve that was founded by the amazing Reverend Selena Fox, who has done so many great things for the Pagan/Wiccan community. 

In creating this sacred space to revel in, she gives us an opportunity to enjoy Mother Nature in all her glory.

One of my many dreams in life is to meet this amazing soul and thank her for lobbying for the Pentacle to be allowed as a religious symbol on the graves of our brave soldiers-pagan warriors-who died in the line of duty.

Even though my father isn't a Pagan, he is a veteran, and I love and respect everyone who has served in the armed forces. So what Selena did deserves my respect as a veteran's daughter AND a Wiccan.

My one year anniversary at my job is coming up this week, and with that I will get a paid vacation.  I am going to save my money and use my vacation time to try to go during a festival or holiday when this pandemic is over, even if it takes me several years to save for this, I will go. This is like my own version of Disney World.

You can't help but admire a woman who has stuck by her convictions, stood her ground and kept a piece of Mother Earth pure and magickal. It has stayed that way in her hands for forty six years, and will remain that way long after she is gone because others will continue on with her legacy.

I would love to live on land that is far from others where only the animals, trees and streams are the only other occupants...where the lights are not artificial, and the Goddess walks freely, giving inspiration to those who look with their hearts and not their minds.

I will go there some day, but until then I will persevere through the things that I must so that I am free when I am able to go...I just ask the Goddess to keep Selena with us until that time.

I am having some problems recently with someone I am working with, but I will be making sure that I can protect myself from that person...and I will do something that nobody has done to this person before.  What I am planning to do will not be bad, nor will it harm them or my karma.  When I do what I MUST to feel comfortable and safe at my job, I will do so in a positive and loving way.

This psyvamp must learn that what they are doing isn't only draining for me and for others, but illegal. It is time that they learn that what they are doing is harassing and inappropriate in the workplace.

Once that issue is dealt with, I think that I will be able to feel free from the oppressive demon that seems to leach on my life. It will be one more step closer to getting what I need to get done in the future. 

By next month, if I do things according to plan, I will have a new home-September or October should be the second step in the changes that I need to make in order to be where I need to on my path. 

I am hoping to find a place nearby that is easy walking access to the places I need to go and quiet enough that I don't have to worry about the neighbors getting nosy and the landlord is nearby so that I know that if things need repairing, I won't have to wait for a long time to live with the problems...and I need a landlord that isn't shady.  I am hoping to find that soon.

While I am doing this, I am doing a bit of purging and packing.  I don't want to drag things that have darkness attached to them, and since I am only a pack rat when it comes to paperwork, it is mostly that.  

As for the financial side,I have purged a lot of the bills-paid them in full-so that I am not left with any financial burdens from the past. I do need to pay down my credit card again, but that won't be too hard here soon. 

I can't wait to get these things all done so that life will get a little smoother before the end of the year.. With the next phases of my goals being set into motion, I feel the weights of negative energies leaving mu shoulders.

Have a great night!

Blessed be!


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