22 July 2018

Wicca and New Beginnings

I recently wrote a blog about going back to Wicca and going on a new life journey.

So far, this is proving to be a great choice for me. I feel like I am reconnecting with the world I am meant to be in.  Life isn't going super great, but it is inspiring me to live.

I have begun again by re-reading Scott Cunningham's book, WICCA.  It is the perfect refresher course on how to begin from the beginning and give myself over to learning my craft-again.

Since I began the re-reading, my poetic muse is starting to stir again.  I have always loved writing poetry and giving over to my heart and what it truly wants to write about.  I will be exploring that more on Dreams of the Blue Rose very soon.

The next on my list of authors to read is Amber K and a book on the Runes.  I may just try to read two magickal books a day just to get back in touch easily.  I don't want to move fast on my path but it seems that I need to refresh my memory and work on it more indepth on a daily basis.

I have joined PaganSpace so that I can connect with others of the Occult and learn from them.  I encourage everyone to join the site.  It is always nice to go there and read the message boards, write a blog or read someone else's or just see who is in the chat room.  The site is much nicer than trying to find other like minded people on Facebook since it is censured there and hard to be yourself for fear of bullying or some other prejudiced attitudes.

My profile is Raven Pegasus, come find me there and add me as a friend. I would love to see you there, everyone is welcome!

I am excited about getting back to who I really am.  The pas two years have felt like I was a lost raven in a sea of crazy.  I am looking forward to morphing this blog into something more exciting and fun.

I do miss my original park sanctuary, but I have another place that I do go to that is good for my path and gives me some serenity. I went there when I lived in this town before, and it can be a bit loud and distracting at times with people always there, but there are places and spots there that I can use to just be and practice meditation.

I began getting my magickal tools again before I moved out of my hometown and back here, I have the ones that called to me at the time, but I am still looking for specific items as I go along.  It won't take long for me to obtain the rest of the tools and items I need for my work.

I may even knit one of the items I need if it comes to that. 

The other idea is to buy cloth and make it by hand sewing then embroidery or using fabric paint to decorate it.  I like this idea better since yarn is a thicker material and the fibers can often leave a little fuzz and lint on what you are doing or may not be fire proof and catch my alter on fire.  

I will just have to find myself some good pagan patterns and see where this takes me.  

You never know, this could lead to other things that will prove useful for my craft.  Once I start on the path of being a crafty witch, I may become addicted.  Oh well, it isn't like I don't love making things and knitting.

As things begin shaping us for me, I am feeling the strength of Mother Goddess and loving every minute of it.

04 July 2018

Happy Independence Day!!

Today, we celebrate America's independence.

It is a time to cheer and be happy.  We remember how twenty six men signed the document that would brand them and all thirteen colonies traitors and how we fought for that independence to become the nation we are today. A lot of sacrifice went into it.

We may not all agree on things today in government, religion, politics, etc., but because of that day in 1776 we are able to voice and argue our opinions and decide for ourselves what we feel will work for the United States of America!

Happy Fourth, America!

New Life In Organization, Being Catholic, Crafts , Learning, Little House, Reading and Modern Prairie.

In June, I began using a Franklin Covey planner to start sorting out my life and prioritizing what is important. I was having a hard time ge...