30 December 2008

Good Reads/New Year...

Well, tomorrow is the last day of the year...I am already thinking in terms of 2009...don't know why...it's one year closer to forty for me...lol

I have been thinking about all of the things that I have done in this year, and I am proud of a lot of what I have done.

Even the Christmas miracle gone bad hasn't change my outlook on this past year...but I have learned love and forgiveness. At least that is a good thing....chalk one up for Pope John Paul II for teaching us that lovely lesson...and Mother Theresa for showing me how to give and show compassion! This has been an odd up and down year, as all years always seem to be, but it's over and time to move forward.

I have all the preparations for my New Year's Resolutions done and I am ready to begin....I have that gung-ho feeling now...but let's just see what happens by January 2...lol

I have been updating my GoodReads page...I have read a lot since the last time I was on there!! It's fun to see what I have read and what I am preparing to read and what I have read...of course, remembering what I have read in the past is a chore...lol

http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/1719302 Stop by and see what I have read and am planning to read...these lists are long!! I never realized until now HOW many books I have read in my lifetime! WOW!! That's only part of them...lol

Tomorrow night, we will all throw out the old, and sing in the new with AULD LANG SYGNE...I hope everyone has a safe and happy new year!!

~Karol Lynn

This is Dougie MacLean singing the true Auld Lang Sygne:

1 comment:

Jen said...

Happy New Year my beloved friend!! May you have a peaceful, blessed and prosperous 2009!

Love ya!

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