23 April 2024

Mists of Avalon

Two days in a row!  WOW!!

I have been re-reading Mists of Avalon.  

I know, last year I was supposed to be a part of a book discussion on it with some people online last year, but the whole thing got derailed when the moderator stopped after the fifth chapter of the second book.  She had a lot of things happen on her long road trip and I think that she forgot about the book.

So, I decide to go ahead and just finish the book myself and do a review here.  Why not?  This book did shape a bit of my thinking where my path is concerned.  I am almost halfway through the book now so give me some time for it.

I know how many feel about the author of this book, but after some research on her and the rest of the story, I get the feeling somethings aren't as they seem, even if the author seems a bit self absorbed.

I had forgotten a lot of this book, and it has been fun remembering and reliving the reading!!!

Blessed be! 

22 April 2024

I Am Lazy

i know that it has been a while since I have done anything.  I have been very lazy, all I do anymore is sit around and knit, read or hardly do much.  I barely celebrated the Sabbats.  

This laziness is getting out of hand recently.  I need to get out of myself and start doing more.

My home is a mess and needs reorganizing, my alter needs more of a spruce up, and I think my butt is getting flatter..

At the beginning of the year, I talked about doing books reviews on Wiccan books but I have been so lazy that I haven't even gotten around to considering it.  I should because I want to keep this place interesting and fun.  

So far, all of my cancer tests have been coming back good,and I am not really sick...I am just lazy.  

Starting tomorrow morning, things are going to change a lot.  I am going to start with cleaning my home and getting out of my pajamas every day...I only change out of them when I absolutely need to go out...I am going to change that.

Beltane is a week from tomorrow.  I am going to try to have the house and my world back to its rightful way around that time.  

 I am going to try to be online more often in the future to blog about things of almost all topics.

Blessed Be

10 February 2024

My Spiritual Path Needs Help LOL

 I think that I want to start doing more about Wicca  in my blogs.  I have not been posting much about it because I have not been practicing as I should in  recent years...despite the cancer fight that I had, I hadn't practiced much for years after I became Wiccan.

I have been learning and studying the Craft for years, but have been very remiss in actually practicing as much after the first few years.    

I don't know why this is, because I love this path.  I love learning about it and I should be doing more to get to the next stages of my life..

I often feel like a bit of a fraud when it comes to my path because I say I am Wiccan but don't practice on the regular.   

Well, I am going to fix this...I am going to start from the beginning, and I am going to go from there.  

I have the things I need and want for my practice and alter.  I am going to try to devote time daily to practicing and studying my path...I will also try to do something  every day for myself and my life.

I miss the days when I did practice and try every day, I miss the time I spent in nature connecting.  I am going to go back outside as soon as the weather is better and I can touch Mother Nature.

I am going to work on myself and my path.  I am  tired of feeling like this.

Blessed Be

06 February 2024

Happy Imbolc

                                                        HAPPY IMBOLC!!

05 January 2024

Happy Birthday To Me!

 I am 54 today!  I am excited!!  I have been loving my 50's so much despite the cancer that I fought at 51.  

This crone phase has been very good to me. I have felt very alive and  blessed by the Goddess in all things.


01 January 2024

Happy New Year

 I am looking forward to the new year.  

This  year is going to be better than the last few.  I am going to take time off from working so that I can get better and get my life back where it needs to be.

I am considering doing some Wiccan book reviews here. I have a lot of Wiccan/Pagan/Witchcraft books that I like, and I want to share my thoughts on them soon.  We shall see.

I hope that everyone has a prosperous new year and you achieve your goals!

Mists of Avalon

Two days in a row!  WOW!! I have been re-reading Mists of Avalon.   I know, last year I was supposed to be a part of a book discussion on it...