15 January 2023

My Job/My New Year/Nostalgia In A Good Way

I have been at my job for about six weeks, and I am so happy that I work there.

My boss is great and caring. He is kind and patient.  He usually is never there, leaving me to handle the day to day work.

I love this job, the customers are nice people, with very few exceptions.  I rarely get complaints that are nasty or mean spirited.  That is good.

I spend most of the day reading Mists, Bees and Wicca For One by Raymond Buckland or I knit and listen to Pagan music or play one of my games.  The boss doesn't mind that I do because he knows how boring it can get most days...he even encouraged me to bring in my Kindle and knitting.

He's also understanding of the things that I have to do for my post cancer situation.  

I actually look forward to going to work every day. I love my job!

Since working there, Bees and the holidays, I have been feeling nostalgic again.  I want to get my driver's license back and live in my hometown again.

I want to go back to where I came from in this life.

I'm also feeling a stronger pull to the Lord and Lady these days.  I feel the need to practice my path more and more.   I think this comes from Mists.

When I read Bees, I want to go back to the time that I lived in the Outlander series. Go back to my Scottish roots so to speak.  I miss the times when I would sit and read the books for hours on the weekends and loose track of time and reality.

When I was at my aunt's house, I missed the days where my Wiccan path started.  I want to go back to the place where I would walk and commune with the Goddess and nature, learning the mysteries of my life and this path.  

I want to go back to practicing more these days, and have been doing little things toward that end.

I want to have a full immersion into my path and Outlander once again.  

I want to be near my family and close to that park where I loved to walk with the Goddess.

I am going to work on getting my license back and get an affordable car so that I can move back to my hometown.

I think that the location of my job is also causing nostalgia because it is so close to home and I used to drive that route to many places close to it.  I miss that drive too, I guess.

Next month I go for another Petscan and doctor's appointment.  I think that I have about two more years of monitoring before I can live completely free from doctors.  I can't wait for that, but I will miss the best doctors and nurses when it is over with.  While I want it to end, I don't want it to end.

When I began working, it was a way to get back to normal in a new way.  Even though I have to wear the urostomy pouch now, life is basically back to where it was before it all started.  I am glad that I am getting back to where I was.  I am alive and able to do what I have always done without worry.

I love my job so much that I am hoping that I can retire from there when the time is right.  I wouldn't mind that at all.  It is such a great place to work and I don't have to worry about harassment or power hungry supervisors or bosses. They leave me alone and trust me enough to do my job.  They understand my medical situation and are willing to work with me.  They help me get to and from work everyday, and they let me bring in food and whatever else I may need during my days at work. They are awesome.  I actually look forward to going to work every day.

I actually did start commenting on Mama Squerrel's Mists of Avalon Book Club and was welcomed with open arms and positivity. It is the beginning of learning to connect with others who share my interests and path.  I am excited about this and will continue to comment and chat with others on this path.

I haven't connected with Wiccans, Witches and Pagans since Covenspace closed down.  I miss that sight because I could blog about my path and talk to others who are just like me.  I love it!

I am feeling very nostalgic these days. I know that we can't go back to what was, but I want to revisit it a lot these days or start doing new things in the old ways.  As I age, I find myself wanting that more and more.

I am starting to work on getting my license back.  I am tired of taking the bus to where I need to go.  I stand outside waiting for the bus and think that it would be so much more comfortable and easier if I had a car.  I could be at work when I need to be and be home half an our to forty five minutes earlier than I get home now.  I hate standing in the rain and cold these days.  I hate waiting for some buses that never come or come late.  I also hate being picked up by my boss' wife and getting to work late every day...I know that they don't care about that, but I do. 

If I have my license and a car, I can move back to my hometown and drive to work and other places without having to wait for anyone or stand in the cold or the rain.

I am excited for this year of new beginnings of normalcy.  I can work in a place that I love and live a life that has meaning for me...the last two years taught me that I don't want to be helpless or live with the aid of others.

Blessed be


09 January 2023

Getting My Wiccan Roots Back

Since I have been re-reading The Mists Of Avalon, I have been getting my Wiccan heart set to rights once again.

I love this video because I can relax and re-connect with myself and the Goddess.  

I hope you enjoy this, even though it is about an hour.

Blessed Be

05 January 2023

Happy Birthday To Me

Another year, another reason to feel blessed to be alive!

This last year was spent in getting my body back online, and working to get back to being normal in a new way, I am thankful for that opportunity, even if  a lot of that time was spent being bored.

This year, I hope that I can continue on and resume life as I want to live it.

I am planning on getting my license back, working on my spiritual path and moving back to my hometown so that I can also spend more time close to my family and living in the place that makes me the happiest.



04 January 2023

The Mists Of Avalon

Thanks to a fellow Pagan, Mama Squirrel,  on Youtube, I am re-reading The Mists of Avalon...

I know, while reading Bees...a bit of a funny juggle, but what the heck, I love this book.

Mists of Avalon is a novel about the Arthurian legend from the standpoint of Morgaine Le Fey and her relationship with all the players in this story.

This novel hit home for me in many ways because it was there was a lot of animosity between Pagans and Christians...it also did some explanations from the author, who was a Pagan.

Marion Zimmer Bradley was a witch and a fantasy writer.  This novel reflects her thinking and the Pagan way of living as opposed to the Christians who were trying to rid Britain of her original heritage.

Mama Squirrel is doing a weekly book club to talk about Mists and all that it entails.  I am excited about this one.  She is doing it live so people can chat about the book with her.

I found Mama an her videos and loved them.  On the live chats, I don't comment and stay in the background, but I think that I will overcome that and join in on the chats and the reading...connect with other Wiccans and Pagans on this first, then move forward.

It may be a good idea to start this way and practicing connecting with others like me.

I look forward to this re-read and hopefully I can make some new friends.

I know that there is controversy over Marion Zimmer Bradley and her husband concerning sex slaves, and that her daughter came out about it after both of her parents died, but the publishers have been donating the proceeds to survivors and to those who work to free these young people from this horrible plight so I am not going to talk about this and know that something good did come out of it at the end of the day.

I just love the book, not the actions of the author and her husband.

I am so glad that I am allowed to read at work when there is nothing to do....which happens most of the day.  

I may do a review of this book later on in the coming month or two.

I may even find the miniseries to watch and may do a review on it.

Blessed Be,



New Life In Organization, Being Catholic, Crafts , Learning, Little House, Reading and Modern Prairie.

In June, I began using a Franklin Covey planner to start sorting out my life and prioritizing what is important. I was having a hard time ge...