I have not been able to be here recently. In June, I had major surgery because I have bladder cancer.
My bladder was removed, but there is still some left in two lymph nodes. After all that, I have been getting chemotherapy and doing radiation. Not fun, but it will save my life in the end.
So far, I have had two treatments of chemotherapy and a week and a half of a three week radiation session. I have to do the radiation twice a day for about fifteen minutes at a time.
So far, my hair has thinned out a great deal from the chemotherapy, but it is still trying to hang in there. I am waiting for it to completely fall out. I wear a hat right now, and have a wig for when the time comes. In a way, this is kind of funny, but still, my hair will grow back and I will be normal again in the future.
When I first found out that I had the cancer in January, I was afraid at first, but right now, none of this is scary to me. My mom says that she's amazed that I am taking this in stride, but in reality, I am just doing what I have to do, and I have a great big god with me who knows how this will come out. He isn't ready for me yet, and I am not ready to be with Him yet.
My family has been a huge help to me during this. They are helping me take care of my doctors visits, treatments and financially. I am blessed to have them with me. They are a great help, and I know that they are doing all of this with great love for me.
Since June, I haven't been able to work so money has been tight. It scares me since the hospital bills are piling up and I am not sure if I will ever be able to pay them. I am hoping that I will be able to work when this is finally over. I can't stay home and wait for a government check to pay for me. I like to feel like I am accomplishing things on my own and supporting myself.
I can't wait for this to be over with and I can get back to living my life as I am supposed to live it. I know that this will be over with soon.
The last two years have been hard for me, and for everyone in the world.
Blessed Be