30 April 2008

Robin Hood

This past weekend, I was able to borrow all of BBC's Robin Hood, season 1 from the library...now I see what so many people are going on about.

This show has a nice message to it. I enjoy the timeless and modern way that Robin Hood is portrayed.

I was equally thrilled by the villians in this series. They are evil and bad, but the men who play the characters do a brilliant job of it, you can't help but love them in their own way.

In a way, I do like Sir Guy of Gisborne...you can see the brilliant way the actor portrays a man who is both bad and in a way wanting to be good for one woman...Marion....who doesn't love him. You can see his struggles in trying to make her love him...the man who plays the part is good.

Then there is hotty Jonas Armstrong playing Robin....I love this guy!! He is so cute! His smile is charming and mischievious at the same time...and his eyes are beautiful! I like the way that Jonas plays the role....charming, selfless, and goodness....

The entire first season was a blast, and I watched the first episode of season 2 this weekend, and I am looking forward to the rest of the season...even though I have heard some very interesting news concerning the end of this season, I will watch anyway. In the UK, they are on the third season, so it will be fun finding out how things go.

I am going to buy the first season of Robin Hood in the next few weeks, as soon as I can come up with the money...I have a feeling that it will be money well spent, and I will watch the series over and over...I love a great love story set in the 12th century...lol

I am looking forward to sharing this with others!!!

jonas armstrong

Jonas Armstrong

robin hood

I wanted to cry when Robin confessed his feelings for Marion in the last two episodes...and smack him...ah well, that is why it was so fun...the romantic tension (notice-no sexual tension, but romantic?)

~Karol Lynn

26 April 2008

The Okinawan Program/Robin Hood

I once read this book on Okinawan Centurians and their diet. It amazed me that these people would live longer simply because they had a diet and exercise program that was natural to their way of life....amazing because when I read the book, I was reading it to find a more healthy way of eating and not to lose or gain weight.

This diet was interesting because there was a lot of things that we can replace in our diets...for example, eating long grains instead of white, and black tea with coffee (I never got the hang of that one, but I do love Oolong tea, so I was able to switch it out once in a while).

I need to go find my book again on the subject, and maybe find the second one that actually has more eating plans in the book. http://www.okinawaprogram.com/

There are three books in this plan, and I just now found the other two online...didn't know about those last books, so I am planning to go get them and read them.


Excert from the website:

There is nothing more universal than the desire to slow down the aging process, to live a long, full life with health, energy, and independence. The Okinawa Program presents the first evidence-based program, based on a real population, to show you the way.
Written in a friendly, accessible way by the lead scientists of the 25 year Okinawa Centenarian Study, this breakthrough book documents the diet, exercise, and lifestyle practices of the world's healthiest, longest-lived people and reveals how readers can apply these practices to their own lives
Introduces a delicious diet that emphasizes low-Glycemic Index carbohydrates, healthy fats and proteins, resulting in a calorie-lite diet that staves off hunger and maximizes fat loss over weight loss (provides two different eating plans for 4 weeks with more than 80 outstanding recipes)
Teaches you how to: get fit using tai chi, reduce stress using meditation, and bring new meaning into your life by develop your inner spirituality by doing volunteer work, and building a solid network of friends and family

Excert from the website:

Written for those wishing to lose unwanted body fat and keep it off--based on the most recent study findings that Okinawans eating a more traditional diet did not gain weight with age
Written in a friendly, accessible way by the lead scientists of the 25 year Okinawa Centenarian Study, this breakthrough book provides timely dietary advice on what many view as the world's healthiest diet--and reveals how readers can apply these dietary practices to their own lives using foods that they enjoy
Neither low carb nor low fat, The Okinawa Diet Plan introduces a delicious diet that emphasizes the right carbs-- low-Glycemic Index good carbohydrates and healthy fats and proteins, resulting in a calorie-lite diet that cuts hunger and maximizes fat loss rather than the water loss seen in many low carb diets
Provides three different eating plans, including Eastern/Okinawan, East-West fusion and Western to appeal to all tastes, including options for vegetarians--with more than 150 outstanding recipes and tools to keep you lean for life

Excerpt from the website:

There is nothing more universal than the desire to slow down the aging process, to live a long, full life with health, energy, and independence. The Okinawa Way presents the first evidence-based program, based on a real population, to show you the way.
Written in a friendly, accessible way by the lead scientists of the 25 year Okinawa Centenarian Study, this breakthrough book documents the diet, exercise, and lifestyle practices of the world's healthiest, longest-lived people and reveals how readers can apply these practices to their own lives
Introduces a delicious diet that emphasizes low-Glycemic Index carbohydrates, healthy fats and proteins, resulting in a calorie-lite diet that staves off hunger and maximizes fat loss over weight loss (provides two different eating plans for 4 weeks with more than 80 outstanding recipes)
Teaches you how to: get fit using tai chi, reduce stress using meditation, and bring new meaning into your life by develop your inner spirituality by doing volunteer work, and building a solid network of friends and family.

This is a site that shows the Study itself, and how these Okinawan Centurions lived....pay close attention to the charts and where America is on it...it's NOT pretty: http://www.okicent.org/

There are more studies in the books, and in The Okinawan Program there are several types of exercise that they do that helps to give them longevity and healthy lifestyles...it's not just about walking or cardio exercises either...but Yoga, Martial Arts, and Tai' Chi...gardening and meditation as well....we use meditation as Christians to find what we seek from Father, so that won't be a stretch, right? LOL

The books were written by Bradley J. Willcox, D. Craig Willcox, and Makoto Suzuki...all doctors and researchers, and the research took over 25 years to perform. This plan was a long time in the making, and not done lightly. The authors are intelligent, well informed and easy to read...a lovely plan if you can get into it....

What is even more interesting about this diet is that the authors encourage you to have some Oriental style things in your home to cook on or with...to use for teas and things...just to keep you into the program...it's nice.

Well, tonight is the night we are all waiting for...the return of BBC's Robin Hood...lol

I will miss the original airings of the first 4 episodes because my family will be replaying the NASCAR race for my stepfather...but I have DVR-ed them, and I will watch them before bedtime...I am looking forward to this!! Even the wait will be worth it in the end.

I didn't get to see all of the episodes of the first season, but I will try to get to them as soon as I can...they aren't on BBC America's On-Demand station, so no luck there...so I will just have to find them online and purchase them when I have some money...lol

I love those old tales, Robin Hood, and the stories of heroes and things...such fun!!!

Everyone, enjoy Robin, and Jonas!!!

~Karol Lynn

Also: If you can, please say prayers for the Maupin Family...they are burying their son this weekend (it will be televised), he was the MIA/POW and his family really needs your love!! Thank you!

23 April 2008

Bret Michaels' Rock Of Love

I have to say I am not really into reality shows...it gets annoying watching these people talk themselves to death about this and that...they why's and what happens...yada yada yada...
However, I have to say one thing, I got hooked on both seasons of Rock Of Love with Bret Michaels (of Poison)...I don't know why it was fascinating watching one of my favorite rockers searching out a date a' la The Bachelor, but was.

What gets me was the fact that at 40+ years of age, this man is still hot as July and built like nobody's business, and he has to publically go out and get himself a woman in such a way...
Watching the show cracked me up...20 women between the ages of 22 and 32 (actually, one lied and was 38, but she got her man...lol) all fighting in these competitions to go on dates with Bret...to me it was hilarious to watch them all playing football in the mud and simulated rain and snow in short-shorts and wet t-shirts showing off all of their real and fake assets....I'm thinking that Mr. Michaels was playing out fantasies here, and this wasn't simply for the women to get to know him and his likes and dislikes....you go boy!!

Most of these women were quite interesting and you could tell what they were there for....money and the "rocker lifestyle" that Bret goes through on the road...oh well, Brett gets cilicone, collegin, and little rocker wannabes, and they get the opportunity to put themselves out there.
This whole entire show is funny, every one of these women kept using phrases that had me rolling on the floor in laughter: "I'm here for Bret," "I got one-on-one time with Bret," "I need him, I love him...totally." Makes you wanna vomit or look at your other and start laughing your a$$ off, right?

There was enough tears (mostly fake, mind you) because they were eliminated or there was so much "drama" (another word you get sick of hearing, but it's every where)....the only thing we don't get on this show, which disappointed my brother, was the catfights-the kicking, hair pulling...ah well....at least you got enough yelling in the show to make you crack up!!

Well, in the first season, the girl he picked decided at the reunion show that she and Bret weren't compatible...she was the one I wanted him with to begin with, but in the end, he gave her too much time alone to think....go figure-give a woman time to think, and you are history...lmao.

The second season, he made the right choice, a sweet woman about my age without the implants and injections...gives a gal hope, eh? This woman was very intelligent, driven and ready for a real relationship...I kind of hope it works, but she is a television host of some sort...who knows...but it is still funny. The girl she beat out was mainly fake, and so ingnorant, it was sad to watch her leave the show, crying for the thousandth time that season...my brother called her Frankenstien...covered in tattoos and extensions...weird girl....lots of baggage. Oh well.

It's still funny to me to think that Bret Michaels would put himself out there like that, not once, but twice...it must have been hard for him to choose who he had to eliminated, but you have to give him credit...at the end of the second season when he let go of Frankenstein, he was actually shaking over the whole thing...must have been harder than he thought it would be...

So, I am sitting here wondering why Bret Michaels would put himself out like that....he is a smart man, has money, creative, fun loving, a father of two girls...why would he put himself out there just to find love sans groupies and super fans? Some would say it's ratings, but his new album doesn't come out until June, and I have heard some of the songs on the album so far, and it's awesome...I don't think it's for Poison either, they are still out touring and having great turnouts to their shows...

So, now here I sit thinking that if I were ever to meet Bret Michaels, that is the one question I would definately ask the man...another of life's interesting little things to add to my collection of interesting things I want to know.

bret michaels

22 April 2008

Earth Day

Today is Earth Day...it is one of my favorite days.

I discovered and explored a new park this afternoon after work...it was beautiful! There were so many trails, sites and trees everywhere.

This park had the most wonderful areas for children to play, and the picnic areas were awesome. There was even a doggy run area...so cool!

This park even has a volleyball court, baseball fields, soccer fields, and a pond. It's nice.

I must have walked every trail in this park, and it's over 2-3 miles to do so. I will be sore tomorrow...lol I just couldn't help myself, I was having such a nice time on those trails....

Sunday I got my hair cut for the first time in over a year. I have been living with 3-4 inches of blonde hair, under brown roots...well, I am having a blast looking at the past these days...I have had that 3-4 inches cut off, and I have discovered that I do have light brown hair...I haven't seen it in years, but it is a hoot just to look at myself in the mirror! I love the cut and style...and inverted bob for those of us with fine hair to fake a bit of bounce and body...lol

The new job and the new car are going well, even though I am still expecting the car to break down at any moment-old habits die hard...lol I am so used to my used cars being junkers, that I am half expecting this one to be to...but it isn't...just needs to get a check up at the mechanics' shop soon...

I enjoyed Pope Benedict's visit. I am glad that he was able to be in America, and I hope he enjoyed his visit. I will have to go back and find my sites to see everything that he did and said because I got a bit busy on his last days here, and couldn't get online or watch television to see what was up-we were busy moving my brother BACK into the house and me BACK into the living room....uggghhh!!!!

Oh, well, soon this will all be over, and I will be in my own place in the next few months, if certain things and certain people let me do what I need to do.

For today, I am going to bask in the glow of the most beautiful day that we have found for Earth Day, and reflect on all of the wonderful sights that I discovered today in that park....

My family has gone green, mostly for the money, mind you, but it's a selfish act that is selfless at the same time, and I am glad. I will continue on with this when I get my own place....even buy one of those water purifying pitchers and some sports bottles to save on the plastic bottles...my mom did that, and it's the best water ever! We save cans and papers, cardboard...whatever is recycleable...it's a good thing.

I love the earth, and I love it's inhabitants, and I wish everyone a Happy Earth Day!!!

Earth Day 2008

~Karol Lynn

14 April 2008

Jane Austen

I feel like an idiot!! It has been years since I read PRIDE AND PREJUDICE by Jane Austen...so I forgot the friggin' ending!!

I watched the movie the other night, and got it mixed up with EMMA...can you say "faux pas!!" and "shame on you!!"

This was the 2005 version with Kiera Knightly as Elizabeth...I enjoyed it a lot. Kiera plays the role so well, and it seems silly every time the call her a "comely girl" in the movie when Kiera is beautiful!

My only problem, was that I was almost yelling at Mr. Darcy to kiss the girl!! I fell in love with the story all over again.

I guess I will have to go out and find the other version from 1995...it's been a while since I have seen that version, and my friend, Nej recommends it highly!

However, for the moment, I am going back and re-reading PRIDE AND PREJUDICE, and I think I will re-read EMMA for good measure....lol I may even borrow the 1996 version with Gweneth Paltrow...I loved that one. I wonder how many other versions there are, hmmm....there's something for the researcher in me.

Maybe I will just go on a Jane Austen kick and re-read SENSE AND SENSIBILITY, and watch the movie...although, I do believe I missed the mini-series that came out last March, I am sure that I will be able to borrow it later on. I did enjoy the 1995 version a lot.

My, my, Raven is on one of "those" kicks again...where she insists on reading dusty old novels and listening to the classical radio station on the way to work, while writing her own stories inspired by the distant past....lol

The new car is running well, but I am driving it as if I am expecting it to break down any minute. I am sure I will get over that sometime in the near future...when I realize that I wasn't really sold a p.o.s. car....

Pride and Prejudice

12 April 2008

New Cars....Lovely!!!

Well, it's been quite a week. I haven't even been able to get online anywhere except to check Facebook.

My car broke down on Tuesday...two days before I my paycheck came in, and I am already broke...it couldn't wait until I got the elation of a first full paycheck into my system before dying...nope, not any of Karol's vehicles, not in this lifetime...lol

By Friday, I found out that my car would never run again unless it had a new or rebuild engine put into it. The repair shop was very kind, and didn't charge me for the work they thought it was originally....except an oil change. The mechanic also told me that it wouldn't be worth my time or money to do that kind of repair on the car because the car wasn't even worth it...I could have saved the money for a down payment on another car....that it is best for me to just use it for a down payment on a newer one.

Well, with the car, my paycheck and my father to help me out...I have myself a white 4 door 1998 Ford Taurus...and $175 a month payments and I only paid out $250 with the trade...the down payment was $500. It runs well, and the few things that are wrong with the car will be taken care of by the dealer, and if anything else happens over the next 60 days, we both go in half and half on the cost.

They were very honest with me, and they treated me like I am a person...and an intelligent one at that...they really wanted my business.

This place will also help me rebuild my credit, rather than being a buy here/pay here kind of place, they are actually sending my money through and to a bank, and that helps re-establish my credit...can you say "works for both parties involved"? LOL

I am just glad that I now have a very decent car, and I can begin the next stages of my life without much worry....I am looking forward to the future.

I have to say that the people I work with are awesome. The guys all looked at my ailing car and told me what they thought...even said that if they could, they would fix it for me. Then they offered to go with me to the repair shop to make sure that I wouldn't get ripped off by the mechanics...even my manager followed me up to the repair shop then drove me back to work...when the car was ready to pick up, she came back to work to take me over to the shop to pick up my car....and the owner has been so kind to me, letting the vehicle sit in the lot at work until the tow truck can take it away, and even giving me suggestions on car dealerships that he deals with that would give me a discount if my credit was good....all in all, I think I like this place, and I believe that I don't want to leave now....just because all of these people have treated me so well. It has become about more than the benefits for me now, and more about working with great people!!

Now, I think I will spend the rest of the weekend gloating over my temporary good luck....

No, I will spend my weekend reading Voyager and going to Mass...I am so grateful to Him for all of the things I have been shown this week....and for the wonderful friends I have found across the world!!

I forgot to mention that I am also now on a new site called WritingCafe.org...it can be linked from my Forums and Fun section here. I just started it, and I am hoping that I can find a great outlet there as well as feedback for my poetry and sometime soon, my writing...DG has once again inspired me...lol

It's been quite a week, but I learned a lot....

Happy reading my friends!!!

~Karol Lynn

07 April 2008

Diana Gabaldon/My Jamie

I spent the weekend reading VOYAGER by Diana Gabaldon...again...lol

I love reading outdoors, and reading Diana's work is always a pleasure because she makes it so easy to feel like you are right in there.

But to read her work while outdoors in the warm sun with the smells and sounds of birds around you, it feels even more like you have escaped into Claire and Jamie's world.

I always cry when I read Voyager because there are so many sad things that happen after Culloden...so much we only hear about in history books, and Ms. Gabaldon brings it all to breathing life. The novel is sometimes hard to swallow, but I still love it.

I always cry when reading VOYAGER when Claire and Jamie re-unite, but I also laugh because of his reaction and the ale pot incident...gets me every time. I laugh over the little Chinaman with the fetish for feet, and over Jamie and Young Ian's interactions.

This was when I first fell for Young Ian and his inquisitive ways. I love to read the conversations between him and Uncle Jamie....fun!

I also borrowed the unabridged versions of OUTLANDER and DRAGONFLY IN AMBER by Diana Gabaldon from the library this weekend. I listened to OUTLANDER as I walked through the park, and while I crocheted....which I love to do in the early evenings during the weekend. I felt like I was part of the story.

I love hearing Davina Porter's rendition of all the different characters, and I am so glad that Herself was able to get the audio-books published in their unabridged versions. I loved the abridged version, but you miss out on a whole lot of amazing things when they edit the whole thing...Herself explains something about how this came about on her blog: http://voyagesoftheartemis.blogspot.com/ It's so awesome.

I just love Diana Gabaldon, and since I am anxiously "Awaiting Diana" with quite a few others, this re-read of Voyager raises a lot of questions that I would love to ask other "Outlandish Companions", and I will in a little while...there was so much I had forgotten...lol

That reminds me...some people have thought of their version of Jamie. While, I don't usually play along, I have my visions of Jamie firmly in my head...there is one man who comes close to looking remotely like Jamie to me:

He played Faramir in LORD OF THE RINGS, David Wenham...he is sooo cute!!!




David Wenham


01 April 2008

Quiet Chatter Today...lol

Everything seems to be going well at the new job...I keep getting compliments on how well I am doing. It's weird to hear these words when I haven't heard them from bosses in a very long time.

The drive to and from work is longer, and I miss going in the mornings with the moon looking down on me, but this is nice too....I get to see the early morning sunshine through the clouds when it isn't raining here...and traffic isn't so bad that I want to tell people how to drive...lol
What is also nice is that I can stop at this quiet little coffee shop/cafe that is on the way to work...I had only been one time until now with a friend, but now I can stop by there any old time I wish to on the way home.

I gave my mother a target date Sunday on when I was planning to get my own place...June at the latest. She was happy about that (as am I-I'm too old to be living with my mother, unless she was too sick to live alone, then I would), and also had a surprise for me...she lowered my rent because my brother couldn't afford to pay the rent we were paying...so I have $60 more in my pocket than before...

I have a new thing to fixate on now that the new job is going well....my own place...you may hear me talk about it a bit, but I want to get away as soon as I can. I am not a person who can deal with being around people all the time...it's irritating sometimes when you are trying to do stuff and they keep calling your name or trying to talk to you when you are focussed elsewhere...ah well, what can I do for now, except think about the goals I have set for myself...and patiently wait for blessed silence and peace.

The springtime seems to be coming on now....the rains are here, and they smell crisp and clean. It's calming. The flowers are peeking out of the ground, and it's pretty....it makes me want to go outside and plant some more already, but my mom wants to wait for a little while....allergies...lol

~Karol Lynn


New Life In Organization, Being Catholic, Crafts , Learning, Little House, Reading and Modern Prairie.

In June, I began using a Franklin Covey planner to start sorting out my life and prioritizing what is important. I was having a hard time ge...