28 January 2008


Has anyone ever watched EXTREMEM MAKEOVER HOME EDITION? http://abc.go.com/primetime/xtremehome/index?pn=index Every time I watch this program, I have to watch it with a box of tissues by my hand....
In this show, this team of designers goes out and rebuilds a family's home and their life in one week using hundreds of volunteers. With every family, they learn something new and wonderful about the world around them. They have helped soldiers and their families, children struck by diseases and many many others.
This show is getting to me today, because as I watched last night's program, the father kept saying that he wanted to be like the volunteers who helped him...I got to thinking about that. I tought about what my true passions in life are-I am sure that all of you reading my blogs could tell me, because you have seen it more clearly than I have...I want to be like them-those people who go out and help not for any gain, but for the joy of knowing that I could give more to the world.
As I went through my weekend, this thought wasn't just inspired by the program, but something that a friend told me about in her own neighborhood. Something that so angered me that I can't even sit here to think about how helpless I am here and this person is there in the world without help...maybe I can't sit still in this world....it's time to stop crying over the helpless and see what it is that I can do.
I went to the site for EMHE tonight and I think I am coming up with ideas on what I want to do to help my community, and affect the world.
Keep in mind, my friends, I am not out to set the world on fire, only light a small spark every now and then....


26 January 2008

Catching Up/Brandon vs. Heath

I am trying to get caught up on my blogs...with so many ups and downs this week, I am all but exhausted over everything...and I am ready to curl up and read a good book while sipping something hot for the rest of the weekend.

Actually, later on tonight, I plan to watch Cold Mountain and just veg out.

Given Heath Ledger's death this past Tuesday, I am reluctant to watch the other one that I had been planning to watch-The Patriot, too close to the heart. I will probably refrain from watching any of Heath's movies for about 2-4 months as a sign of mourning for him...I did the same thing with John Candy-only that lasted a year...

I hate to repeat the same things over and over, but I am just ready to get my life back on the move again. I don't like the job I am at, and I am working on finding a new job, but every now and then it gets frustrating to go out and look...

And the weather isn't helping lately. I just noticed Jen's weather forcaster on her page, and it looks like we are both sharing the same cold weather...only no snow here. I just can't wait until Spring, I am hoping it hurries up and gets here...lol

I wanted to address Heath Ledger's death, and the media's handling of it. It has made me so angry how they are so quick to assume the worst of the young man. Without thinking, and without CONCLUSIVE Autopsy reports, they have jumped to conclusions and made him look bad. What are they going to do when the reports come back that it was something totally unexpected with the medications he had taken? He was suffering from anxiety, stress and insomnia...and if that wasn't bad enough, he was fighting bronchitis....come on, get raal...and the business with Mary Kate Olsen is a big fat joke...leave the man alone.

All of this is going on while a family is taking their son home to be laid to rest, away from them...and a little girl is asking why they are putting Daddy into the ground. A lover is weeping because her best friend is gone, and a father, Mother and sister are asking what happened? Where was everyone while their son was dying...needing answers. So sad, and the media is busy destroying this man's reputation.

Now, one other thing is getting to me....Heath's last role is bothering me....the Joker in Batman. He bares a striking resemblance to another actor who died young-Brandon Lee, who played Eric Draven in the movie THE CROW....now, Brandon was killed on the set by a prop accident, but it's the connection with Brandon's father (Bruce Lee's) death that has me thinking-you never know. Bruce Lee was allergic to Canabus/Marijuana, and they found it in his stomach-a prescribed analgesic that one of his friends gave him when he said he had a bad headache.....could it be? Odd connections for me to make, but it seems plausible...an unknown medication allergy on Heath Ledger's part could have been a possibility.

~Karol Lynn

Amy Brown

24 January 2008

New News/Heath Ledger

I was going to tell you some interesting news yesterday, but I got sidetracked...lol

On Monday I went out looking-as usual-for a better job. On a whim, I decided to stop at a dry cleaners...I went in to inquire if they had any positions open, and the lady told me that she didn't know, but the owner was out on sick leave...could I leave my name and availability with her and she would give it to him when he came back on Wednesday or Thursday. I decided to put down my experience at my present job and other jobs within the dry cleaning business, and when she saw it, I could see her eyes dancing...I knew that she was impressed. The lady asked me questions about other areas and my experiences and we chatted for a while, I told her that what I DON'T know about dry cleaning or how to do, I was willing to learn because I needed forty hours a week, and transportation isn't a problem. By the time we were finished I felt like I had done a mini-preliminary style interview...I left my cell phone and home numbers with her and she promised to let the owner know, and told me that if I don't hear anything from them, to not be discouraged because they may not need help right away, but sometimes things don't work out with the inexperienced new help because they don't understand the job...but since I have experience that the owner would DEFINITELY take that into consideration if anything comes up....

There is also something else bothering me....Heath Ledger. I didn't hear about Heath until after writing my last blog and reading WillowLuna's blog on him. I agree with you, my friend, such a tragic waste of a wonderful human life. I loved watching him act, I loved the fact that he didn't conform to Hollywood. I feel so bad for his little girl...may he rest in the Summerlands and may we always remember him with love...no matter what happened.


heath ledger

I am just heartbroken over the loss of this young man...he is about the age of my youngest brother...makes me want to cry because his little girl lost a father...and a father lost his little girl...for now.

~Karol Lynn

WICKED the Musical

I hate to say this, but in a boxing match between WICKED and PHANTOM OF THE OPERA, WICKED would win, by a hair's breath.


The woman who played Elphaba..the Wicked Witch was amazing, you could listen to her for hours!! Carmen Cusack played Christine in the musical Phantom of the Opera too....she is great. For once, you have a feel for what it's like to be someone different from the rest.

The woman who played Glinda did an outstanding job. Her voice and attitude complimented Carmen's perfectly.Katie Rose Clarke played Glinda, and after watching this, you will never be able to watch Glinda in The Wizard of Oz in the same way again...she just MADE Glinda, and it's too bad she was born 50 years after her time....

The conductor was awesome too...Boko Suzuki...he was handsome, too (Japanese, hey, are you surprised-it's ME we are talking about..lol) Every note clicked with the singers and complimented their voices. I think I got lost in the entire musical.

WICKED is the untold story about how and why the Wicked Witch became wicked...how things seem, and what we really learn about ourselves and others-it's about the friendship between Glinda the Good and Elphaba the Wicked Witch. It was well written and crafted out. I can't say anything more than that, except to strongly suggest that everyone see this sometime in their lives, it is well worth the money...

I am going to warn you though, if you go, BE IN YOUR SEAT WHEN THE MUSICAL STARTS!!! After the first 15 minutes, they won't let anyone inside because so much happens in that time, and it sets up the rest of the musical...you would be lost if you didn't see it...and if you didn't see it at all, that would be a waste too.To say that I was highly impressed by this musical is an understatement, I saw why it was a Tony winner and a national sold out show...brilliant

19 January 2008

Birthday Gift For Jen

Happy birthday
Happy Birthday
happy birthday

May my greatest gift have the greatest day...

Happy Birthday, Jen!!!!

Love you!!!
~Karol Lynn

17 January 2008

The Gift Of Jen....

Over the course of the last few days, I have been reminded of friendship, and what it means to me....

There is a friend that I totally adore. She, like myself met through being quite in awe of one Outlandish series, and from there friendship bloomed...from book discussions on ABOSAA to Loraks and Nej's, to Awaiting Diana, Catholicism and religion.

Jen has been with me through a lot for the past two years-evictions, frustrations and confusions...I can always look outside of my little sanctuary, and there she is-creating the Spring for me and waiting on the path for me to start back along my journey through life.

I know she prays for me, and I always pray for her....she worries like a sister and loves like one too....she reached out to me, and refused to let go...

Jen always encourages me in my life from hers on that mountain...Jen is another person in this world that I wish to emulate...her heart is so wonderful, her soul beautiful...she has so many qualities that I want for myself. This is not envy, and it's something that is completely understandable for those who know Jen...she brings sunshine and spring into our hearts just by being herself.

Jen reached out to me, and without thought, I grabbed her hand. She didn't expect anything from me, and gives a lot to me. Her patience as I go through the Kookiness that is Karol Lynn, and her wonderful comments on me as a person warm my heart.

You see, Jen, because of the lessons of unconditional love you have given me, I am able to take it out into the world....I am not the only light who shines in the darkness for others.....I am not the only rose in this world!!!


Love you, Jen!!
~Karol Lynn (Lorak)

15 January 2008

We Have Diana!!!!

I was in a foul mood over a friend of mine...something he said that I will talk about later, but I have something for you...

On facebook, I found a group for hopeless Jamie addicts like myself and a few others here....and in a group wall post, I found this:

http://voyagesoftheartemis.blogspot.com/ Yes, that is our dearly beloved Diana Gabaldon's blog....I can hear you guys screaming!!!! YYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!! Direct contact with Herself!! What fun and excitement!!!

So, I will not talk about that incident until tomorrow, I am way to happy right now...I think I will go tell others what we have found!!! I am so happy!!!


Karol Lynn

12 January 2008

My Favorites...Men Of Course

Today is such a cold and dreary day here, I figured that I would post some pictures of men that I find handsome....

First off, Jen made me a convert: Jonas Armstrong

Jonas Armstrong

Next is one of my favorites: Chad Kroeger

chad kroeger

How about this one: Mario Frangoulis (a Greek singer with the voice of an angel)

Mario Frangoulis

Then there is also this: Johnny Depp (many knew this was coming)

johnny depp

Of course, this has to be put up as well: Orlando Bloom (my personal fav)

Orlando Bloom

And let's not forget, this girl loves the older ones too: Sean Connery

Sean Connery

Everyone have a great evening!!!
~Karol Lynn

10 January 2008

Well it would seem that I am finally getting my thoughts and things together here. I am so happy to see that my blog here is finally coming along rather well.

I may end up taking down the writing blog for now and replace it with something else....I may end up making it into a reading blog and maybe go on to Writer's Dot.Com to actually write my novel there...there are people there that can help me out...or maybe I will find another writer's forum to help with it. Right now, I am having a bit of difficulty getting to write because I have so many books I am currently reading and so much going on-looking for a stable job, balancing a budget to stick to, doing a spiritual intervention on myself.

I am so excited....On January 22, my stepmom and I will be going to see the Broadway musical WICKED. I am so excited!! This is something I have wanted to see for a long time, and I am just dancing in the stars with happiness over this. The last musical I went to see was PHANTOM OF THE OPERA...and yes, it will be at the Aranoff Center in Cincinnati...I love that place so much!! My dad was supposed to go see it with her, but she had already bought tickets for another night as well, and my dad didn't want to sit through it a second time...even though he saw it last year too...I am so excited, I am trying to keep from doing a happy dance right here lol

I have to work at my second job tonight, so I will celebrate now by going to Starbucks and getting myself a bit of a mocha latte...[g]


~Karol Lynn

09 January 2008

Changes, and What I'm Planning To Do Here

I have been making changes here today....

I am working on decorating the place, and have been able to add some links to great bloggers here....if there are any suggestions to other bloggers here, or I am missing someone I already know, I will find out and fix it asap.

I have also changed the name of this blog because I found this to be more fitting and less ordinary and less used by others elsewhere.

There are links to my Myspace and my Live Journal here as well....I am hoping to get some LJ and Myspace links up here, as well, I have a great poetic friend that I think that everyone will adore named Lilimist...I think she has a blog on this site, but mostly works elsewhere...I will find a way to get her over hear soon.



I have decided to start putting this blog to good use as well. Maybe I will put up a weekly report or two on what I am reading and maybe I will do some other things to further things along (Cathechism means learning and education-I think-I will let you know on that one)...maybe a bit of Catholic Knowledge, and what I am reading as far as Christianity goes. I want to make this blog interesting and worth reading for many, and I want to keep an update on myself.

I have been reading Life On The Mountain, and it has been inspiring me to want to do more with this blog...have a bit more fun with it and a lot less stress from this ONE corner of my internet worlds...lol

I am still searching for a job, and am working on my relationship with Father, so things are going well...even my birthday was special and wondrful....here's one of the views I had (I can't show you the other because he was a server lol):

Cincinnati skyline at night

05 January 2008

Happy Birthday Wish...

Well, today's the last day of my family's holiday season...my birthday.

Before I go to celebrate with them, I wanted to share some interesting things about me...things that make up much of my personality and my attitude in this world.

1) Before I was born, about the time I was concieved, Judy Garland passed away.

2) Men landed on the moon months before I was born...

3) Richard Nixon was president of the United States when I was born in 1970.

4) We were at war when I was born-Viet Nam.

5) Charles Manson went on trial and was convicted of manslaughter when I was about two weeks old...he missed the death penalty by sheer humanitarian luck, and would spend all of my life in prison...he will probably be there all of my life.

6) When I was three years old, troops pulled out of Viet Nam, broken and battered only to come home to being shattered by their own countrymen and women.

7) When I was five (I think) Nixon "resigned" from office, and the Viet Nam war officially ended.

8) I was 7 years old when Elvis Presley died....

9) I was about 9 or 10 when Americans where taken hostage in Iran...and with the cunning that was the late Ronald Reagan, rescued...

10) I was 12 when John Lennon was killed on the street right in front of his wife, Yoko (uggghh) and his son.

11) When I was 14 or so, a dominating in your face woman burst on the music scene forever changing my view of strong women-Madonna...then came my girl-Cyndi Lauper.

12) About that time, Michael Jackson won a ton of Grammy's making an historic record....and EVERYONE loved him at the time...hmmm....

13) I watched the entire Live Aid concert at the age of 15 and participated in Hands Across America...just because my favorite singers did.

14) When I was 19, I cheered as I watched the Berlin Wall fall on television...that was the MOST AMAZING THING I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!

15) I was 21 when we went to war a second time-Desert Storm/Shield

16) At 26, I couldn't take my eyes off the television as I saw the devestation of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City...couldn't believe it was an American who had done this...and that he was unconcerned that he had taken out a day care center on the property too..

17) Also at 26 I watched the Towers get hit the first time, and was frustrated because Osama bin Ladden had walked out of this country alive afterwards....

18) I was 30 when the world freaked out for no reason over a situation that many were already working to aviod-Y2K...

19) When I was 31 I watched helplessly as Cincinnati went through a race riot....

20) In that same year, I cried and prayed as the Towers were bombed again by the same man and his organization-9/11. For the first time in years, I watched my nation and the world stand up and band together....patriotism at it's best!! I watched as our troops were deployed to war against terrorism.

21) I was 33 in March of 2003 when our president sent our troops further into war, this time the target was Saddam Houssein and Iraq. It's been 7 years since we went to war...my third war.

It's amazing what I have seen in this lifetime....and it's amazing how I have been living.

You see, throughout all of these events, a young girl grew to womanhood....

I walked in light and in dark...I have watched 5 people that I love die, and 20 people I love come into this world...I have laughed, I have cried, I have loved and I have survived.

So, today as I am celebrating my birthday, I am thinking about the lessons I have learned, and the one I will learn before Death comes to say hello to me for the first time-so far, Death has kept a distance, only waving hello from afar....we will have our day, but not yet-Death knows that when I turn a half century old, I am going to celebrate like it was the last day that the earth would survive...lol

War is still going on, and I am still worrying about the state of affairs on Mother Earth...but I know that I can't control everything, and I know that it takes more than me to change the world...

However, let's not get down and sad over the affairs of the world, because right now, I am going to celebrate...and not just the fact that I am another year older....but celebrate LIFE!!! Another year, and we are all friends...new and old, we are still around to make each other laugh, cry, worry, and protect...

Tonight, as you settle in for the night, pour yourself a glass of something-wine, Captain Morgan, whiskey, milk, soda, juice-lift it towards the moon if you see it, and if not towards the sky and salute life....that is my birthday gift from you!!!!

Everyone have a great evening....that is what I intend to do!!!!

Karol Lynn/Raven

03 January 2008

Jack Sparrow

This is all in good fun, because I love Johnny Depp and I needed to cheer myself that day!!

The Jar Of Dirt Remix

Johnny Depp's song

And this is just soo funny!!!


New Life In Organization, Being Catholic, Crafts , Learning, Little House, Reading and Modern Prairie.

In June, I began using a Franklin Covey planner to start sorting out my life and prioritizing what is important. I was having a hard time ge...